Fair Workshops

Our Emergency Preparedness Fair will host the following workshops 

Emergency Kits

Cavalier 2

One goal of our Emergency Preparedness Fair is to make sure every school-age child leaves with a 72-hour kit and that every adult learns the know-how to build one on their own.

Parents and grandparents, this 72-hour kit activity is a great way to have quality time with the kids before and during the fair! Throughout the day, come help our volunteers assess students' 72-hour kits and identify items we can add to their kits at the mini-fair.

Be sure to check out the go-bag checklist by clicking below!

Check out the free-giveaways!  You'll get tickets at the door for drawings.

The following Workshops will be presented on this topic:

- Individual & Family 72-hour kits – Galovich family (Thermopolis)

- Pet 72-hour kit – Cavalier the horse and Amelia (Thermopolis)

- Building a small survival kit for your car - Judith Harvey (Thermopolis)

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noah radio

Emergency Situations 

- Fire Safety and Live Demonstration - James Coates, Thermopolis Volunteer Fire Department

- First Aid: Stop the Bleed - Josh Kirkman, EMT, Park County

- Solar Energy - DJ Vanderwerff (Worland)

- CERT (Community Emergency Response Team) Training – “We are the help till help arrives.” - Dennis Harding (Greybull)

- NOAA all-hazzards weather radio - Mike Kappus (Thermopolis)

- "Maui in Thermopolis - One Person's Take-aways":  Read this then visit Mike Kappus' booth for hands-on experience with NOAA S.A.M.E. radios.

- Hot Spring County emergency protocol - test your knowledge of the protocol when a siren sounds.

Food & Water Storage

non-perishable food

A key component of emergency preparedness, along with the 72-hour kits, is basic food and water storage. Do you know how to close the valve on your water heater or incoming water line to secure your home water storage in the event of contamination? What about storing and meal planning for 3 days? Get started on economizing and food supply ideas - from pasta to maple syrup - and learn how to be creative with the basics. Check out our Food & Water Storage workshop topics below:

-   Freeze drying

-   Food storage basics

-   Water Purification, Filtration & Storage - Judy Harvey, Wendy Salzman (Worland)

-   Using #10 Canner & cans vs Mylar Bags - Maschke Family (Thermopolis)

-   Lemongrass, wheatgrass, juicing, seeding avocados & mangos - Maschke family (Thermopolis)

-   Herbs for emergency uses - Danita Sayers (Kirby)

-   Honey

Emergency Communications


Possibly everyone's worst nightmare - the WiFi and cell signal are down. What to do? Learn how to get a GMRS or amateur radio license,  why have a NOAA radio and how they work.

-   Amateur Radio Basics - Bob Overton (Thermopolis)

-   Parks on the Air and presentation on security & response - Deputy Casey Freund

-   NOAA All hazards radio – What they are, how & when to use them – Mike Kappus (Thermopolis)

-   Morse Code - It's easy, fun... and may be important to know.  If frequencies are jammed, Morse Code gets through.

Personal & Online Security

Model Mugging_self-defense-image-300x197

Learn how to protect your kids and yourself, online and offline.

-   Model Mugging Self-Defense - MaeCile (Thermopolis)

-   Self-Defense Basic Moves – Bradyn Harvey (Thermopolis)

-   Internet security & cyber threats - Hackers and assailants are getting more sophisticated.  You should, too!

On Decluttering, Repurposing & Composting


Do your friends think you can MacGyver just about anything? Are you an avid composter? Did you ever have to move houses with last-minute notice? We would love to have you share your stories & experience on repurposing and decluttering. See below our workshops on this fascinating topic:

-   Sewing - Debbie Vanderwerff (Worland)

-   Composting 101 - Dirty Works (Worland)

And for those who have skills to share with the community or want to volunteer at the fair, it's not too late!  Please use our Contact Form or email EmergencyPrepRep@gmail.com!

Staying Alert

fire dept

Stay "Left of Bang" - prevent the event by being aware and prepared. Use our Contact Form to suggest additional topics related to suspicious activity - how to spot it and what to do when you see something.


Contact Us for more info on hosting a workshop or presentation

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