7:00 AM - Pre-event table and chair setup volunteers needed!

Mini-fair Event Volunteers needed to help people fill out Family Emergency Plans, plan menus, add items to students' 72-hour kits and more!  Help us out, meet people, have fun doing it!

10:00 AM - 5:00 PM - Workshops & Live Demonstrations 

The first 200 kids to arrive with their 72-hour kits (whether partial or full) will get a free BBQ lunch along with their accompanying adults, as well as free raffle drawings!

10:00 AM - 12:00 PM - Petting Station with Cavalier the Horse 

12:00 PM - BBQ Lunch*

*First 200 kids & their accompanying adults

1:00 PM - Live Fire Safety Demonstration

3:00 PM - Self-Defense Demonstration

5:00 PM - Raffle Drawings

6:00 PM  Post-event breakdown and cleanup volunteers needed!


Contact Us for more info on hosting a workshop or presentation

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